Silent but Deadly on YouTube

Well, another Thanksgiving has just passed, and in case there’s still any gravy left, let this be a warning of what NOT to do.

In this story Gram feeds the leftover turkey gravy to the family dog, Strange, with disastrous consequences. Strange snuggles down in the back of the car unbeknownst to Patrick and his date, Olga Bonemarrow.

Silent but Deadly is the perfect story to share between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Mean Tents on YouTube

Remember all the different tents you’ve had over the years?

In this story Patrick describes the various tents that have tormented him throughout his life. In particular he tells of shooting arrows through cousin Bucks new tent, and the time he and Crazy Eddie were mistaken for a mummy late one night in the Muldoon’s kitchen.

I hope you enjoy my reading of Mean Tents.