Move to California


A couple months ago my wife and I moved to Coarsegold, California, about a half hour south of Yosemite National Forest. We’re finally settled in and enjoying the change in scenery and exploring the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas.

There’s more wildlife here than we saw in suburban Utah. Squirrels and rabbits, of course, blue jays, finches, quail, hawks, deer, and we saw our first tarantula the other day!

I’ll post some of the pictures soon.


Making McManus Index a Useful Website

Over the past few weeks a clear direction for the website is coming into focus. Here are some features and topics I think readers will find the most helpful:

  1. Help people find their favorite stories. Of course this is the main purpose of the McManus index. And until you get your own copy of the index I’d be happy to help you find that story that’s been driving you crazy.
  2. Discover new stories. I know some of you have read all of Pat’s stories. But I’m sure there are many others who would love to be directed to new stories about their favorite characters and topics.
  3. News. Keep people informed of when Pat’s new books are coming out, or anything else newsworthy in the McManus world.
    If there are things you would like to have me write about, feel free to leave a comment.

Above all, Why Am I Writing this Blog?

Because no one has made me laugh as much as Patrick. There were times I felt down while writing the summaries and compiling the index, and after reading a particular story I had tears of laughter streaming down my face. That lingering sense of laughter would stay with me for days.

I suppose you could call me a McManus Evangelist. There’s a quote from the New York Times on the covers of his books that says “Everybody should read Patrick McManus.” That sounds like a worthy endeavor to me.